Friday, October 28, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 29th October 2016

I've been fairly busy this week making lots of angel decorations to sell in my Etsy shop.  I've also done some more Christmas shopping and lots of cleaning.  Here's what else I got up to

*  Refilled all the spray bottles with Miracle Spray. I keep a spray bottle in the ensuite,  kitchen and laundry.

*  Lifted up the last of my retractable Avon eyeliner.  There's about $2 worth of the eyeliner that sits in the holder that you can't use unless you pull it apart and lift it up.

*  Made a quadruple batch of taco seasoning mix.

*  Refilled all my herb and spice jars using bulk packets.

*  Saved the shower warm up water for the washing machine.  We've had lots of rain here so the pot plants are well watered this week.

*  Made a large lasagne that serves twelve.  Eight serves were frozen for future meals.

*  Made yoghurt using a sachet.

*  Made four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

* Juiced more lemons and froze the juice.  Picked more lemons off the tree and pruned it.

*  Kept the heater off as much as possible.  When the sun was shining I made sure the curtains were wide open to get the free heat.

*  Fed the chooks some silverbeet.  We have so much growing we can't keep up.  I also fed them lots of snails found in the garden.

*  Received a discount on a blanket from a department store.  It was ever so slightly marked ( all the others were badly stained  )  so I asked if I could buy it cheaper.  It was a $16 blanket and I got it for $11.

*  Picked silverbeet for two meals.

*  Received a discount when my engagement ring needed repairing.  It pays to know people in retail

*  Made some lovely Christmas Angel decorations to sell in my Etsy shop.  I used craft items I already had on hand.

*  Cut off the hanging ribbons from a few items of clothing.  The ribbons will be used to decorate
 cards I'll make.

*  Made a spag bol stretch further by adding pureed cauliflower ( I had in the freezer ) and shredded silverbeet.  I froze the extra single serves to eat later.

* Darren picked a bunch of roses from the bush in the chicken run.

From the garden

Juicing lemons
I'll wait a week before juicing the next lot.

Now selling on Etsy

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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