Friday, May 6, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 7th May 2016

I've had a lovely week pottering around the house refilling this and reusing that.  We also received some wonderful blessings.  Here's what happened in the Gower house this week -

*  Put all the pot plants out in the rain for a good ' free " drink.  Praise God for the drenching rain.

*  Gratefully accepted one large tray of cooked chicken pieces,  18 chicken carcasses,  a bag of bread rolls and a big bowl of potato salad from a catering job I helped at.  All the carcasses were frozen to make soup some time in the future.  The meat was divided into 5 meal sizes and frozen as well.

*  I wrote out a menu plan for the first time since October last year.  Life was way too busy and unpredictable to stick to a menu plan during that time.  Now that we are in a new routine,  it feels great to know what we are eating ahead of time.

*  Cleared the shelf in two supermarkets to stock up on toothpaste.  I bought about 30 tubes on sale for $1.30 a 147g tube.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash dispensers in the kitchen and both bathrooms.  I also refilled all the spray bottles with Miracle Spray.

*  Dried the washing on the line when windy and on the clothes horses over a ducted heating vent when it was cold outside.

*  Reused bread bags to line the girl's bathroom bin.  I also used bread bags for the outer wrapping on the chicken carcasses.

*  Started picking lemons from our tree.  WOO HOO  !!! The juicing season has started.

*  Picked a few raspberries and our three feijoas fell of the tree with the high winds we had this week.  At least the feijoas grew a little bigger this year.  Ohhh to have a tree full of fruit.  Hopefully that will come in a few years.

*  Kept the curtains wide open when the sun was shining.  This reduced the need for the heater to be on.

*  The family ate leftovers twice this week.  Mince pasta bake seems to go a long way.

*  Cut up the inside of three envelopes to use for making cards.  They were all different shades of blue. 

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.  Saved the kitchen water to soak pots and swish out the crumbs in the sink.

*  Used a netting curtain bought at the op shop to tie bows on the Mother's Day presents.

*  Gratefully received a fuel docket in the mail.  Thankyou Tania  xoxo

*  Opened a jar of tomato paste to use in a dish then froze the rest into an ice cube tray.  No waste  !!!

My mountain of toothpaste.
From the garden.
Netting used as a bow.
Tomato paste.
Cupcake blessing
Chicken carcasses and chicken pieces blessing.
Mountain of carcasses ready to freeze.
Mango trees getting a drink.
Raspberry plants in the rain.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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