Friday, May 13, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 14th May 2016

I guess there are some weeks when you feel like you've done nothing of frugal significance.  This week was one of those weeks.  I plodded along doing what I normally do saving a little bit of money here and there.  In the long run it all adds up to a sizable amount of  money.  Here's what I got up to -

*  Made an whole orange cake for a Mother's Day lunch at my Mum and Dad's place.

*  Gratefully received a bag of silverbeet.  Asian greens and Spring onions from my Dad's garden.  They were added to three meals this week

* Saved some shower water to use in the washing machine.

*  Dried the washing on clothes horses when I could.;  Some things had to be dried in the dryer.  To offset the dryer expense,  I kept the heater and laptop off a little longer.

*  Megan made me a Mother's Day card from herself and Jessica using my card making supplies.  The girls also reused some tissue paper and a gift bag for the presents ( which I saved to reuse again ).

*  We had takeaway fish and chips on Tuesday night that was budgeted for from our treat fund.

*  When to Savers to donate more household items ( got my discount stamp ).  I found a savings book I'd been looking for the last couple of years. It only cost me $3.60 but retails for $20.

*  Filled up my car with petrol just before the price went up and used a discount stamp.

*  Started using a thermos to stored boiled water in during the day.  I fill and boil the kettle in the morning,  make a cuppa then pour the rest of the water into the thermos.  There's enough water in there for a couple of cuppas or to use at dinnertime to cook the potatoes / veggies.

*  I gained another regular cleaning job.  The extra money will help me save for a new car sometime in the future.

*  Made a bottle of Miracle Spray and sold it to my new cleaning client.

*  Saved the cereal packet liner and cut it into squares to use as go between for crumpets and frozen soup portions.

*  Darren picked a couple of roses from the garden for my Mother's Day breakfast tray.

*  Made a tuna casserole on Thursday night.  The recipe needs cooked rice so I cooked enough for three casseroles at the same time and froze the other two portions for future casseroles.

In my home
Our silverbeet is almost ready to pick
Cupcakes my sister made for a Mother's Day lunch at Mum's.
Our rosemary bush is doing well.
Color in our garden.

What frugal tasks did you achieve this week ?

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