Friday, May 20, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 21st May 2016

I love starting a new week.  It holds so many possibilities and I never know what's going to happen.  This week I started looking at new kitchens.  We are hoping to replace our kitchen in the next couple of months.  It's going to be fun to choose my own style and colors. 

I also had Channel Nine News come over for an interview at short notice.  You should have seen me fly around the house to get it " tv ready '. There were clothes horses everywhere.   Then I had to get myself " tv ready " as I was sitting at my laptop in my house clothes when I got the call.  I can laugh about it now.

Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Gratefully received two wool doonas from a cleaning client.  Although they are not new,  they had been dry cleaned a few years ago and stored away.  Both are for double beds which is perfect for my girls pillow top single beds.

*  Made a triple batch of cranberry hootycreek biscuit ( cookie ) dough.  Some of the dough was baked and the rest was put into the freezer for future baking.

*  Used up the leftover roast veggies from a meal and turned them into a chicken flan.  Very,  very tasty.

* Picked young silverbeet leaves from the garden to add to two meals. I couldn't wait for them to grow any bigger.  Darren and I just love to add silverbeet to our dinner plates whenever possible.

*  Saved lots of washing machine water for each next load.  Saved the shower warm up water to put on our pot plants.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Dried all the washing on clothes horses over the ducted heating vents.  Only the sheets went into the dryer.

*  Reused lots of bread bags to store my homemade bread,  to double wrap the biscuit dough and to line the bathroom bins.

*  Mended Darren's work trousers as they had a big rip in them.  .

*  Made a conscious effort to avoid using cling wrap for storing foods in the fridge and freezer.  After years of using it to wrap everything,  I still need to stop myself from getting the cling wrap out.  I have plenty of containers of all shapes and sizes.  I'm limiting my cling wrap usage to storing raw meat in the freezer.

*  Kept the curtains open when the sun was shining to help heat up the home.

*  Saved the insides of a few envelopes from the mail to use in my card making.

*  Baked some ANZAC biscuits and peanut butter choc chip biscuits for snacks using my dough from the freezer.

*  Put $30 of petrol in my car when it was 113 cents a litre.  I know this isn't as cheap as it will get but it's been two weeks since I filled up at the low end of the petrol cycle.  By the time the price of petrol drops to it's lowest ( hopefully in a week ),  my car will almost be on empty again.  Then I'll fill it to the brim.

*  Made pizza from scratch instead of getting takeaway.  The temptation is still there but we do prefer our own.

Peanut butter choc chip biscuits
Lots of baking
Baby silverbeet leaves
Wholemeal bread
Homemade pizza

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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