Friday, February 5, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 6th February 2016

I'm not sure where my week has gone but I did keep myself busy.  My housework is up to date,  I worked and I even found a little time for card making and a visit to a friend.  Here's what else I got up to -

*  Picked tomatoes,  beans,  raspberries and the last of the lemons for the season.

* Cooked up some tomatoes from our garden.  There was enough for two meals of spag bol sauce.  I've frozen the sauce for future use.

*  Cut up a cereal packet liner to use as go between for crumpets,  chops and hamburger patties.

*  Made a double batch of pumpkin scones for the freezer.  I used cooked,  pureed pumpkin from the freezer that was bought when pumpkin was in season and really cheap.

*  Made a double batch of raspberry and white chocolate muffins to sell to a cleaning client. I also sold two dozen eggs to this client.

*   Topped up my car with petrol when it was 98 cents a litre without a docket.  Every time the fuel gauge drops to 3/4 full,  I keep topping up.  Buying petrol this cheap is a real blessing to many people's budgets right now.

*  Gratefully received a couple of fuel discount dockets in the mail from a blog reader.  Now that we have three cars in the family and very little spent in the supermarket,  these dockets are a blessing to us.

*  Gratefully received some card making supplies from my lovely friend Leesa.  I received some stickers, embellishments,  pretty papers,  stamps and lots of other bits and pieces.

*  Made lots of female birthday cards using supplies I had on hand.  Over the next few months I'll concentrate on making some male cards.  My stocks are getting low.

*  Saved some tissue paper and gift bags from belated birthday presents Megan received.

*  Kept the evap. cooling off most of the week.  The mild weather has helped.

*  Did the usual water saving tasks ( washing machine and shower water ).

*  Ate out of the pantry and freezer.  I only spent $4 at the shops on milk this week.

*  Picked lots of lavender from our garden.  I'll be drying the bunch and using it in my next batch of soap I make.

Lavender from the garden
Pumpkin scones for snacks.
Hand made card
Tomato relish for a friend.
Card making supplies from a friend.
Tomato pasta sauce. Princess had to have a look.

What frugal tasks did you complete ?

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