Friday, February 12, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks 13th February 2016

As I look back on my frugal week,  I didn't think I'd done much at all. A very special friend of ours has been  hospitalised and is very unwell.  Darren,  myself and the girls have spent much of the week in prayer for him.   If you are friends with me on Facebook,  I've posted a photo of him.  please join us in prayer for complete healing.  He's the reason Darren and I met and married.

Here's what I managed to do this week - 

*  Picked,  cut and froze lots of beans from the garden.

*  Picked lots of tomatoes,  lettuce, raspberries and one strawberry.

*  Made 7 jars of raspberry jam using our raspberries, our lemon juice and sugar given to us.  I used this recipe ( using raspberries and without the apples ) to make the jam.

*  Made lots of pita chips for snacks.

*  Saved the washing machine and clean shower water.

*  Made 7 jars of peach jam.  The peaches were $1.99 kg and the lemon juice and sugar were free.

*  Made four loaves of wholemeal bread.

* Stayed away from the shops except to buy milk,  fruit and veg.  I'm participating in the Cheapskate's February No Spend Month.

*  Cut up lots of used printer paper to recycle into note paper.

*  Made potato cakes for lunch when Cath came over.  The potato was leftover for dinner the night before.

*  Threw the kitchen scraps into the compost bin.

*  Refilled the shampoo and conditioner bottles in the girl's bathroom.  I also diluted it a little.  I can't dilute it 50 / 50 any more as they complain it's too runny and they use more.  If I dilute it a little I'm hoping they won't notice.

*  Bought Tresemme shampoo  and conditioner on a half price sale using money from the slush fund.

*  Refilled the hand wash pumps with diluted shower gel.  Here's how I do this

*  Used electric fans when possible to cool the house instead of the evap cooling.

*  Picked a few beautiful pink roses from the garden.  They smell divine

From the garden
Pretties for my kitchen
Peach jam to eat and give as presents.
The egg on the right is a normal sized one.
Producing my own food
.How did you save money this week ?

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