Friday, February 26, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 27th February 2016

This week I've made a real effort to have some rest time.  I'm one of those people that just keeps on going no matter how I feel or what circumstances come my way.  As a result of this " rest time " I managed to make two knitted dish cloths while sitting in front of the tv watching the nightly news.  I'm so happy I took some time for myself that it might become a regular part of my day.

A big hello to blog reader Nicole.  I was in Savers on Monday standing in the queue to pay for my bargain finds when a young lady came over to me to tell me she reads my blog all the time and loves it.  I was thrilled that Nicole took the time to say hello and show me her baby. If I'd had the chance I would have loved to talk longer.

If you ever see me out and about ( Savers is a good bet ) please come and say hello.  I just love to hear your saving stories.  It really does make my day.  xoxo

 Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Picked another bunch of lavender from the garden to dry.  This will be used to make lavender soap and lavender sachets as presents.

*  Picked beans,  strawberries,  tomatoes and raspberries each day.

*  Bought three tops from Savers at their 50% off sale.  Darren and the girls also made a start on buying their Winter wardrobe. Megan found two pairs of jeans,  a couple of jumpers / jackets and a few tops and a hand bag for a grand total of $25.  She was very happy with her haul.  Even Darren who doesn't like clothes shopping found two new shirts for $3 each.

*  Bought more knitting / crochet cotton at Savers for a total of $6 less 10% discount.  One of the balls usually retails for $6 each.

*  Knitted two dish cloths.  I've put them away for when I get my new kitchen.

*  Darren bought a hay bale for $5.50 ( half price ).  We had an album launch at our church and hay bales were used for the occasion. 

*  Cut and froze lots of beans.

*  Made a quadruple batch of laundry powder.

*  Filled up all the cars with discount dockets to get the petrol at $0.97 a litre.

*  Froze leftover tuna pasta bake.

*  Gratefully received some colored paper scraps at the Cheapskates card making day.  I also made the most of the equipment being shared and cut out lots of shapes to make more cards.

*  Gratefully received a fuel discount docket in the mail from a blog reader.

Flowers for Jessica from a friend to cheer her up.
Aren't they beautiful ?  Miniature roses.

A present from Cath - my favourite store bought biscuits.
My op shop finds
More op shop finds.
Making laundry powder in bulk.
A pumpkin growing in our garden.
Knitted dish cloths.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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