Friday, February 19, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 20th February 2016

I tried to have a slower week but it just didn't happen.  I arrived home Saturday afternoon from the Aldi Adelaide workshop.  I was a little weary from the travelling and all the talking Cath and I did in 24 hours.  A big thankyou to fellow Cheapskater Laine who recommended the Aldi baby products to the people in my group.  It's been a while since I've bought nappies and wipes.

During the week I worked,  Megan got her second part time job,  got the car serviced,  did a food shop as well as the usual cleaning chores around the house.  Here's what else I got up to -

* Made lots of creamed rice to avoid throwing out lots of milk.  The use by was about to expire so I had to think of something easy and yummy that uses lots of milk.  This is one of Jessica's favourite desserts so she was in heaven.

*  Made 11 jars of tomato relish. I used tomatoes from my garden and made the brown sugar using sugar that was given to us.

*  Stuck to our $2 per person  budget for Valentine's Day.  Darren and I spent this amount on each other to buy a little treat.  Darren bought four cherries and coated them in chocolate.  He found a card in my card box to give me.  I bought $2 worth of cashews and bagged them up with a red ribbon to give to Darren.

*  Made brown sugar.

*  Picked raspberries,  beans,  tomatoes and a few strawberries.

*  Bought crumpets as a treat.  They were reduced to $1.12 a packet.

*  Bought home the toiletries from the accommodation in Adelaide last weekend.

*  Darren cooked up some cherry tomatoes given to us.  They have been frozen into meal size.

*  Bought 3 large Moccona jars from the op shop.  They were $3.99 for the three less 20% discount.   I'll be using them as presents filled with biscuits ( cookies ). I also purchased three light green vintage plates for $4.99 together less 20% discount.  I found some lovely pink,  white and green striped cotton material for $9.99 less 20%..  These will be made into tea towels for my new kitchen,  some to give as presents and some to sell.

*  Bought some knitting cotton from Spotlight on clearance for $2 a ball  I'll be knitting dishcloths for my kitchen,  some to give as presents and some to sell.

*  Made muesli bar slice for snacks.

*  Gratefully accepted a lovely present from Annabel.  After the Adelaide workshop she presented me with a pretty box filled with knitting  / crochet cotton and crochet hooks to get me started on crocheting.  Thankyou so much Annabel.  Such a lovely present.  You'll be pleased to know later that night Cath got me started on crocheting.  I'm still in the very basic stage but I'm hoping to get better.

* Kept the cooling off all week.  We did use the fan on the cooling a couple of times but this costs so little to run.

*  Cooked from scratch all week and ate out of the pantry,  fridge and freezer.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to use on all our potted plants and fruit trees / bushes.

*  Sold one dozen eggs,  one jar of jam and one jar of relish to a cleaning client.

My $3 clearance plants are now flowering.
Darren's Valentine's Day present.
Making tomato relish
Cheap Moccona jars.
Vintage plates
Knitting cotton on clearance
From the garden.
What did you do to save money this week ?

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