Friday, January 1, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks 2nd January 2016

During the week we spent some time revovering from all the Christmas festivities.  I made my way to the Boxing Day sales at 8.05am to pick up some fabulous bargains.  Darren sorted out his garden shed and started painting Megan's room.  I tried not to cook or clean too much so I could have a little break.  We also had a heat wave that encouraged us to get the Christmas tree down while it was slightly cooler on the 29th of December.  Here's what else we got up to -

*  Made a batch of vanilla yoghurt using a frozen starter.

*  Picked a handful of beans every few days.  I started freezing them for future meals.

*  Made a big batch of pita chips.

*  Made chocolate truffles to go to a New Years Eve party. I used homemade sweetened condensed milk from the freezer.

*  Gratefully accepted a bag of shredded paper for my chickens.

*  My family ate leftovers for dinner two nights running after Christmas.  By doing this,  we didn't waste any food.

*  Both the girls took advantage of the sales and bought some presents for next year.  I was so proud of them for thinking ahead and saving some money.

*  I bought lots of hand towels from Spotlight for $4.19 a pack of four.  I also bought some Christmas material at 60% off to sew on the towels. 

*  Used scraps of material to make some other hand towels into presents too.  I was on a roll and made 14 in one afternoon.

*  .Made two large dishes of zucchini slice with the last of the zucchinis from Cath.  The slice was cut into single portions and frozen.

*   Picked a couple of handfuls of strawberries.  Jessica enjoyed some with the homemade yoghurt.

*  Bought a Tupperware lidded container from the op shop for $4.50  It looks new so I'll give it a wash and fill it up with homemade biscuits to give as a present.  Tied with a matching bow,  it will look beautiful.

*  Megan got her ears pierced ( seconds ) and handed over a coupon she found online for $5 off.  So proud of her for researching this herself.

*  I used a Spotlight gift card ( Christmas present ) to buy a big pad of 120 Christmas papers for half price.  This will be great for card making..  I also found some craft ribbon at 75% off.

Our Christmas Eve platter
Leg of lamb with rosemary from the garden
Our lunch table
Our beans
Christmas lunch
Megan's custard tarts with our raspberries
Jessica's present she wrapped.Annabel style
Op shop bargain
Pita chips
Choc truffles
Zucchini slic
Decorated towels for girts

Bargain Christmas material

What was on your frugal list for the week ?

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