Friday, December 25, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 26th December 2015

This week has been busier than usual. Last minute Christmas preparations have been completed,  fruit and veg shopping was done as well as all of us working.  I was worried I'd have very few frugal tasks
to share.  It just goes to show that everyday living can be frugal without trying too hard.  Here's what we got up to -

*  Gratefully received some zucchinis from Cath.  They have been made into a zucchini slice and frozen.

*  Made 21 jars of jam from peaches and apricots bought at $1.69 a kilo  The sugar used was given to us and the lemons came off our tree.

*  Bought a doona cover for our bed for $20.  The quality is excellent and such a bargain price.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to use on the garden. Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Made lots of chocolate cupcakes for a church morning tea.  They were decorated with Christmas cupcake toppers bought on clearance last year for 5 cents a packet of 12.

*  Made a trip to Hindustan Imports to stock up on herbs,  spices,  chia seeds and walnuts.  They are so much cheaper than any supermarket.

*  Darren made white Christmas and rocky road to give as presents to friends at church and the cafe.  I bought all ingredients at half price a couple of months ago.

*  Picked up some perfume and aftershave bargains at Chemist Warehouse.  These items have been put away for birthdays and Christmas next year.

*  Bought some great bargains at Savers op shop.  I was after a slightly bigger teapot.  I had my eye on one in Kmart and was waiting for the Boxing Day sales.  When I was in Kmart on Tuesday,  they only had one left at full price ( $10 ).  I found the size I was after in a color I love for $5.59.  I also picked up a beautiful jug for $3.19,  a Decor storage container for $2.38 and a veggie steamer for $3.19.  These are all things i can use in my kitchen.

*  Started picking beans this week from our dwarf bean plants.

*  Picked lettuce from the garden for a couple of meals during the heat last weekend.  I used some lettuce for a garden salad for Christmas dinner.

*  Sold two dozen eggs,  a jar of tomato relish and a jar of jam.

*  Gratefully received a parcel from my blogger friend Mimi.  She found a cake mould that would be suitable for making soap.  She included so rose pictures for card making.  Thankyou Mimi.  I'll be making more soap in the new year.

* Planted the Loganberry plant I bought on clearance a few weeks ago.  I wanted to wait until it was looking healthier. I also planted some silverbeet seedling my Dad gave me

*  Saved all gift bags,  ribbon,  tissue paper and Christmas cards to be recycled.  The Christmas cards will be made into gift tags for next year.

*  Did the usual water saving tasks.  We dried most of the washing on the line.  Some washing was put into the dryer so that we didn't have clothes horses all around the house during Christmas.

*  Used my flyby dollars to buy some Christmas Eve snacks.

*  Wrapped up five hand made soaps to be given as presents next year.

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