Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hand Made Card Ideas January 2016

A group of ladies from the Cheapskates Club have been getting together every couple of months to make cards.  We've been learning new ideas and designs under careful instruction from fellow Cheapskater Pamela.  We bring all our own equipment to share around which is wonderful for those of us who are gradually building up our " tool box ".  There's lots of talking,  tea drinking and eating too.

Some of us were newbies to card making when we first started this group but Pamela has been gentle on us.  There are millions of ideas out in internet . pinterest and google land but I think we've come a long way.

Here are some of my latest designs made about a week ago at this group.  I hope these ideas will help others who are just starting out or those who are wanting new ideas.  There is nothing overly hard about making these cards.

Using old sheet music
Using scraps of paper and card
Using old curtains and ribbon
Using an old dictionary
Baby cards or invitations
If you are starting out in card making I'd encourage you to get together with some other card makers.  It's just wonderful to learn and share with each other.

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