Friday, January 22, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 23rd January 2016

We've had a very exciting week in the Gower house.  On Monday Jessica got a first round offer for University.  She'll be doing Primary Teaching and is planning to defer this year so she can earn lots of money to pay for the Uni fees.  On Wednesday Megan turned 16 and passed her learner's permit to start driving.  She's already had her first lesson with Darren.  On Thursday Jessica bought her first car.  How exciting !!!  Here's what else we got up to -

*  Made a batch of mango flavoured yoghurt using a packet.  I'd forgotten I had one in the pantry.  Megan enjoyed it on a few hot days during the week.

*  Picked lettuce,  tomatoes and beans to go with our meals.

*  Jessica purchased her first car this week.  She was able to pay for it outright because she's been working since she was 14 1/2.  A lady at her work gave her a Navman she no longer needed.  This is such a blessing as Jessica had it on her list of items to buy for her car.

*  Gratefully received lots of scrap card and ribbon at the Cheapskates card making day last Saturday.  This is a huge blessing and will save me lots of money.

*  Gratefully received a bottle of lavender oil from a friend.  I'm hoping to use it in my soaps in the future

*  Saved the shower warm up water to keep my fruit trees hydrated during the heat.

* Made lots of cards at the card making day using really cheap materials.  The next day I made another eight cards.  I'm trying to get a stockpile of cards ready for when we need them throughout the year.  I'll be encouraging my girls to make their own stockpile.  Megan has already made one card.

*  Filled up my car with petrol purchased at $1.08.  I didn't have a discount docket as I'm not doing much food shopping at the moment.  This was a great price.

*  Used lots of bread bags as bin liners in the bathrooms.

*  Made lavender room air freshener for one of the toilets

*  Picked a handful or two of raspberries this week.  The fruit seems to come in waves and the fruit in this batch are big and juicy.  I can't wait to have enough for raspberry jam.

*  Kept the cooling off as much as possible and used electric fans instead.

A box card I made for Megan
From the garden
Home grown

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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