Friday, December 11, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 12th December 2015

I'm not sure where my week went.  We were travelling on Sunday then unpacking.  Monday and Tuesday I was at work.  Wednesday I finished the very last of the Christmas shopping.  Thursday I fluffed around the house doing this and that ( baking etc ) and re organising my pantry and Friday I spent the day at Cath's talking.  In between all of that I managed to get most of the housework done and wrap the final Christmas presents.  Phew  !!! Here's what else we got up to -

*  Collected six brown paper bags from the Sovereign Hill shopping trip.  I asked the family to get one each time they shopped.  I'll be recycling them and giving them a makeover

*  Cut up three cereal packets to put between chops and hamburger patties when I freeze them

*  Used a Coles gift card that was given to us to buy our holiday food.

*  We bought as much food and snacks as we could from home to save us money on our holiday to Ballarat.

*  We used holiday spending money to eat out when we were in Ballarat.  Nothing was put on credit.

*  Kept the curtains closed on hot days.

*  Picked a small handful of raspberries and a few strawberries each day.

*  Sold some eggs.

*   Filled up both cars with petrol when it came down to $1.12 per litre then used a discount docket to get another 4 cents a litre off.

*  Cut out lots of images to use in card making and gift wrapping.  These images were freebies from some card making brochures.

*  Made lots of pita chips.

*  Made dried bread crumbs from saved up bread crusts in the freezer

*  Darren and I made some Christmas cards using what i had on hand.  This is our first year of making Christmas cards,  so they are a little basic.  We'll get better as we get more ideas ( and time ).

*  Blessed my friend Cath with a raspberry plant Darren grew from a cutting.  I wrapped it up using saved plastic from store bought flowers.  Cath loved it and can't wait to pick her own raspberries next year.  These plants retail for $15 in Bunnings.  I also gave her a bunch of hydrangeas from our garden ( her fav. flower ).

*  Stocked up on half price grocery specials of batteries.and crumbed fish.

*  Picked silverbeet for one meal.

*  Gratefully received some zucchinis and cranberries from Cath.

*  Found some balls of Bendigo Mill 100% cotton for $3.60 and some netting for knitting padded coat hangers also for $3.60.  I used my discount card to get the price down from $3.99 each.  The netting will be also used to make bows for cards and other craft.

*  Did the usual water saving tasks for the washing machine,  shower and kitchen sink.

Our Christmas cards
Home grown raspberry plant
Our hydrangeas
Gift bags and tissue paper from Sovereign Hill
Cut outs from freebies

Op shop finds

What was on your frugal list for the week ?

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