Friday, May 29, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 30th May 2015

Finding lots of little ways to save money can add up to a sizable amount.  Adding these amounts to a mortgage or debt can reduce the interest and life of a loan.  More importantly,  you'll appreciate what you have and feel a great sense of achievement knowing you are doing the very best you can with what you have.  I'm hoping you had a wonderfully frugal week.  Here's what I got up to this week

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Turned the heater down to 18 degrees Celsius when possible and also had the heater off for two days.

*  Sold some muffins and eggs to a friend.

*  Stocked up on the toothpaste and mouthwash on sale in Coles this week.

*  Cut up some old socks to use as garden ties.  I was tired of mending them so out they went to the garden shed.

*  Bought a double oven mitt from the op shop for $2.99 less 15% discount.  It was new too as it still had the price tag on.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes a few nights as there wasn't enough to turn the dishwasher on.

*  Made a chicken flan using about 100 grams of cooked chicken,  leftover potato and the last of the pumpkin from the fridge..I also used some silverbeet from the garden.  A very cheap and tasty dinner.  Jessica took some to school the next day for lunch.

*  Jessica went to an 18th birthday party last Saturday.  She needed a present and nothing I had on the present shelf was suitable.  She found some beautiful flowers at a florist for $3 and the lady there wrapped them for free.  Jessica combined this with a few bits and pieces she had on hand and the present came in under $10.  A beautiful present for a bargain price.  Darren bought a bunch of flowers for me too.

*  Megan baked some Cranberry Hootycreek Biscuits for school snacks.

*  Saved lots of water from the shower for the washing machine.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses and a few things went into the dryer.

*  Bought a couple of bags of mixed fruit for $1 a bag from my local fruit and veg shop.

*  Signed up with Australia Post to get cheaper stamps with my concession card.

*  Jessica will be turning 18 tomorrow.  Tonight she's going out to dinner with a couple of friends.  They are coming home after to have dessert and to watch a movie.  This is a cheap and better option than buying desserts and movie tickets.  The best part is they can be warm and cozy here and enjoy a comfortable couch.  I'll post some photos next week and let you know how we celebrated together as a family.

$3 flowers Darren bought. Jessica bought the same for her friend.
$2 worth of fruit
The muffins I sold to a friend.
Sorry I couldn't show more photos this week.  I've been in a fog for the last five days with a bad headache.  Hoping to be well in the next day or so.  xoxo

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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