Friday, May 1, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 2nd May 2015

I've had a lovely week this week.  I've cooked,  sewed,  worked,  op shopped,  baked,  gardened and crafted.  It doesn't get any better than that  !!!  The bright lights of the shopping centre don't call out to me unless it's for an advertised bargain that I need.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Mended two pairs of socks.  The quality of the socks I buy has declined over the years.  The price has stayed the same so I'm trying to make them last a little longer.

*  Made lots of cards with a gardening book I bought at the op shop for 99 cents

*  Baked four loaves of bread.

*  Sold thirty raspberry and white choc muffins to a friend.

*  Made chunky roast beef and veg soup with two slices of left over beef..  This pot of soup usually makes 8 - 10 serves.

* .Bought a bag of oranges and pears together for $1 and a bags of apples for the same price.

*  Froze a few leftovers from our dinner.

*  Saved the shower warm up water for the washing machine.  Also saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Gratefully received some English muffins,  raisin bread,   and about six loaves of different types of bread.

*  Made a quadruple batch of laundry powder.  I have the grated soap,  lectric soda and bi carb in three separate buckets ready to scoop out and make up as needed.

*  Bought some new towels from Spotlight.  Although this might not seem like a frugal task,  their original price was $11.99 less 40%.  A bargain in my eyes.  Of course I bought apple green and white towels.

*  Dried most of the washing on the line. Some was dried on clothes horses and a few things were thrown in the dryer.

*  Picked silverbeet for two meals.  I shredded some to put in the honey mustard chicken and some for a bits and pieces flan.  The flan had a few left over roast veggies and roast beef.  Very yum.

*  Baked a couple of trays of Anzac biscuits.

Our silverbeet plants
Bits and pieces flan
Anzac biscuits
Raspberry and white choc muffins
Making laundry powder.
Beautiful wrapping paper I bought to make cards.
My laundry powder supplies

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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