Friday, May 22, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 23rd May 2015

I must admit,  it's been a challenging week to get through.  Jessica hasn't been well for a few weeks but thankfully is much better now.  I had a funeral to go to on Wednesday.  On the way home from picking up the girls from school that day,  we came very close to being in a serious car accident.  I'm very grateful for good brakes on my car that stopped us a few centimetres away from a car that wrongly turned in front of us.  The next day I narrowly missed being hit another two times.  All this sudden stress gave me a massive headache.  I'm very glad that God was watching over us and keeping us safe.  At the moment we have no internet and have been told it could be out for another four days.  I'm using Darren's hot spot on his phone to get internet on my computer.

Through all this stress,  there was a highlight this week.  Last Saturday I had the honour of speaking at Cath's Cheapskate's one day workshop.  It was lovely to meet some of my blog readers and fellow Cheapskaters.  We had such a wonderful time sharing information and learning to live well on a budget.

Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Gratefully received some sheet music from my blog reader Maureen.  I'll be using it to make some cards.

*  Gratefully received some bread bags and freezer bags from my blog reader Anne.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash with shower gel and water.

*  Diluted the kitchen detergent by 50%

*  Scraped out the peanut butter jar with a spatula.  There was enough for another piece of toast.

*  Picked two bunches of flowers from my garden to brighten up the kitchen.  I used pasta sauce jars as vases.

*  Gratefully received some cupcakes leftover from Cath's one day Cheapskates workshop last Saturday.

*  Picked silverbeet from our veg garden for two meals.

*  Picked lettuce for a meal of tacos.

*  Made an apple cobbler dessert  from three apples that were looking a bit sad.

*  Made my own version of Season All to use on wedges.  I read the ingredients list on the side of the jar and found that I had most of the ingredients on hand.

*  Refilled the herb and spice jars with the same products bought in bulk.

* Mended a couple of socks with holes in them.  If they need mending again,  I'll be cutting them up to use as garden ties.  I'm almost ready to move on to new socks.

*  Mended a cardigan that had a few very small holes in it.

*  Saved all the washing machine water for each next load.  The shower water was used to water some plants outside.

*  Made lots of peanut butter choc chip biscuits for school lunches.

*  Kept the heater on 18 degrees for two days during daylight hours.

Flowers from our garden

Princess staying off the wet floors
The jars Leesa gave me last week.
Peanut butter choc chip biscuits.
What frugal things did you complete this week ?

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