Monday, October 27, 2014


900 grams of beef mince
3 tins of diced / crushed tomatoes
1 tablespoon each of onion flakes,  oregano and  basil.
1 teaspoon each of garlic granules
salt and pepper to taste
3 heaped tablespoons of tomato paste
1.25 litres of milk
3 tablespoons of butter
4 heaped tablespoons of plain flour
1 X 250 gram box of pasta sheets
2 – 3 cups of grated cheese
Canola spray
Cook the beef mince in a very large fry pan and season with oregano,  basil,  onion flakes,  salt and pepper. Add the tinned tomatoes and tomato paste and combine well.
In a large saucepan melt the butter on a low heat.  Add the flour and stir well.
Gradually whisk in a little of the milk until the flour mixture is combined.  Pour in the rest of the milk and whisk thoroughly.  Increase the heat and continue to stir with a spoon until the sauce  simmers and thickens. Be careful that the sauce doesn’t catch and burn on the bottom of the saucepan.

Grease a large lasagne dish with canola spray.
Spread a thin layer of white sauce over the bottom of the dish.  Place lasagne sheets over the white sauce,  breaking to size if needed.

Layer the meat sauce over the lasagne sheets.  Gently spoon the white sauce over the top until the meat sauce is covered.  Cover again with lasagne sheets.
Repeat this layering process two more times until the meat sauce runs out. 
Top with lasagne sheets and pour the remaining white sauce over the top,
Top with the grated cheese.
Cook in the oven at 190 degrees celcius for one hour turning the dish around half way.

Serves 12 people with vegetables on the side.

*     Fresh onions and garlic can be used instead of the dried version.
*       Freeze leftovers into single portions.
*      Vegetables can be added.  I’ve added finely chopped silver beet,  grated carrot and zucchini.
*       Powdered milk can be used and is cheaper.
*      My lasagne dish measures 35cm long x 21cm wide x 8 cm deep ( internal measurements )  Any square or oblong baking dish will do as long as it has deep sides.

A meal of lasagne and vegetables
Lining up all the components to reduce the drips and spills.

Ready for the oven

The finished product.
This dish costs about $10 to make

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