Monday, October 13, 2014

Making Your Own Air Freshener

Over the years I've tried buying many different brands and scents of air fresheners ( always on sale ). They smell so nice in the supermarket don't they ?  I have one can in each of my bathrooms / toilets and by the time I have half a can left  I can't stand the smell of it any more.  It seems to irritate my nose leaving it tingling and my eyes watering. I also had concerns about spraying all those chemicals in a small closed room.  It can't be good to breathe them in.

So one day I thought there must be a better and healthier way to freshen a room.  I already had a bottle of water soluble lavender oil that I use to help relieve bad headaches.  I thought I'd have a go at making my own air freshener and I've been very happy with the results.  My nose is very happy too.

Here's what you need to make your own air freshener -

Water soluble lavender oil
Cooled boiled water
Small spray bottle

Partially fill the spray bottle with the cooled boiled water.  For a 100ml bottle add about 10 - 15mls of the lavender oil.  Top up with the cooled boiled water,  replace the lid and give it a good shake.  Spray as needed.

TOTAL COST - 70 cents  - $1.05 approx. per 100ml bottle


*  I use Eureka water soluble Lavender Oil found in the toiletry aisle in the supermarket.  Generally it's on the bottom shelf next to the tea tree oil.

*  I used a small spray bottle from the Body Shop that originally had a body spray in it. Megan used a spray bottle that had an ear disinfectant spray in it at one time ( the one you use when you've had your ears pierced )..

*  Using cooled boiled water is important as normal tap water contains flouride etc.  Boiling it gets rid of any germs too.

*  Don't be tempted to use a large spray bottle.  We've found the small 100ml bottle lasts a very long time.

*  Other water soluble oils can be used eg - eucalyptus oil now comes in a water soluble form.'

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