Friday, August 8, 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

It's been another busy week for many reasons.  Monday I was at work as well as the A Current Affair story going to air .  Tuesday was my milk,  fruit and veg top up day and answering lots of emails and messages on this blog.  Wednesday I had washing, vacuuming and mopping to do as well as the radio interview.   Thursday and Friday I was at work.

In all of this busyness I found time to do the things that give me the greatest joy - looking after my family,  keeping my home tidy and finding ways to make my dollars stretch a little further.  I'm happy when I'm making things myself.

Here's what I did this week -

*  Dried the washing on the line when possible.

*  Accepted some glass jars from a friend.  These will be used to make jam when the stone fruit comes on sale in Summer.

*  Made three loaves of wholemeal bread for the freezer.

*  Made fruit icecream with fruit that was cheap in Summer and a little bit of cream that needed using up.  I had the fruit stored in containers in the freezer until I had enough to make a decent sized batch of icecream.

* Made a double batch of chocolate choc chip muffins.  Some went to a family in our church whose Mum had been in hospital.  The rest went into the freezer for lunchboxes.

*  I did some weeding yesterday as the weather was lovely.  I fed the weeds to the chooks who gratefully received them.  Yes,  even my chooks are grateful  !!!.

*  Saved water from the showers and poured it into the washing machine.

*  Saved two slices of roast beef to make a chunky beef and vegie soup for tea tonight.

*  Instead of filling up the dinner plates too much last night,  I portioned some of the food into a container to make a freezer meal.

*  We still had some corn from last year's crop in the freezer so we ate it with two of our meals.

*  Picked some silverbeet to put in a chicken flan for dinner one night and as a side dish for another night.

*  Cooked lots of pumpkin that was bought a few weeks ago for 69 cents a kilo.  I've portioned it into containers and stored it in the freezer to make pumpkin scones at a later date.

*  Made pita chips for snacks.

Frozen fruit,  cream and honey for fruit icecream

Ingredients ready to be wizzed in the food processor.

Portioning into containers for the freezer

Yummy icecream

Pita bread dried in the oven to make chips

Draining the water out of the cooked pumpkin

Cooked pumpkn portioned and ready to be frozen

Chocolate choc chip muffins

What tasks have you completed this week that made your dollars stretch a little further ?

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