Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Reason Why We Are Frugal.

Today has been a lovely day weather wise.  It's almost Spring and I can feel some warmth in the air.  Yesterday I secretly plotted with Darren to take the girls out for a special treat after church today.  I packed a yummy lunch of homemade rolls,  curried eggs,  lettuce from our garden,  tomatoes, cheese and water bottles.  The esky was packed into the boot of the car while the girls were busy getting ready for church. 

As we left our church the girls noticed we were driving in a different direction.  Megan asked where we were going to which we replied " Sorrento for lunch and afternoon tea ".  For those of you who haven't been to Sorrento,  it's a lovely seaside town on the Mornington Peninsula.  It's home to many rich Australians and home of the famous,  award winning Vanilla Slice.

We had our picnic lunch down by the water just near the ferry that travels across to Queenscliff.  Lots of families were there taking advantage of a beautiful Sunday afternoon   We kept our eye on the time knowing if we wanted that famous vanilla slice we'd have to get to Just Fine Food by mid afternoon at the latest ( they have sold out by 3pm on occassion ).  During Summer and holiday times they have been known to sell more than 50 trays of vanilla slice with each tray containing over 50 serves.

This slice is creamy,  decandent and generous in size.  To us,  it's a luxury to be enjoyed as a special treat.  It's the reason why we are frugal.  We are debt free,  we can pay all our bills,  we are frugal with the things that don't matter ( like brand names ) so as a family we can enjoy these wonderful outings together.  Over and over our girls exclaimed how yummy the vanilla slice was.  Darren and I could see they appreciated their afternoon tea.  On the way home Jessica and Megan both thanked us for the suprise treat..

It's days like this when I remember back to the hard times of sacrifice when we were paying off our mortgage on a low income.  We knew back then that the sacrifices would pay off in the end.

Yummy Vanilla Slice


What luxuries do enjoy as a special treat ?

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