Friday, August 15, 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

The Gower household is back into the normal routine this week.  School runs,  work,  house work,  gardening and food shopping have filled our days.  Oh what joy  !  Oh what blss  !  It was great to do the everyday tasks that gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Simple living also gives me a chance to stop and enjoy the abundant blessings in my life.

Here are my frugal tasks for the week -

*  Topped up my car with petrol at $1.36 a litre when petrol was selling for $1.55 a litre everywhere else.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher with bi carb and white vinegar.

*  I shared a bag of lemons with some ladies from my street.  A christian lady a few doors down from me invited all the ladies in our street to a high tea last Saturday. We had a fabulous time together with lots and lots of food,  talking and a game.

*  Cleaned the kettle with citric acid.  It looks like new again.

*  Baked some chocolate peanut butter biscuits to go with a present for a birthday party Darren and I went to.

*  Accepted some capsicums from my Dad.  Darren used some on his homemade pizza.

*  Refilled a travel sized shampoo and conditioner bottle.  The toiletry bag I use when I travel has now been restocked.  It's one less thing I need to think about when I'm packing for a holiday.

*  Picked three more heads of broccoli.  At the moment broccoli is selling for $7.98 a kilo in the supermarkets.  I'm saving a small fortune by growing my own.

*  Picked some lettuce for the chicken wraps the family had for tea one night.

*  Baked three loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Picked some silverbeet to hide in a pasta bake for tea one night.  My girls don't like silverbeet but will eat it if it's cut finely and hidden .

*  Recycled 10 bread bags that my husband bought home from a bbq.

*  Made a menu plan for the next five weeks and wrote my shopping list from it.

*  I had enough leftovers for two single serves of beef stew.  It's now in the freezer for another meal.

*  Cut up a cereal packet to use as go between for when I'm making and freezing hamburger patties.

*  Used the carpet sweeper to wizz around the house instead of using the vacuum cleaner.

Beef stew simmering away in the slow cooker.  The lid is off to take the photo.

Broccoli that has been blanched and is ready for the freezer

Freshly picked silverbeet

What frugal tasks have you completed this week ?

Do you keep a list of your frugal tasks ?  Maybe this could be your challenge for next week.  I'd love for you to share your list.

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