Friday, July 22, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 23rd July 2016

I had a lovely time away making cards with the ladies from the Cheapskates Club. We all pitched in and brought food and snacks to share.  I also spent Tuesday with Cath making more card to reinforce what we'd learnt over the weekend.  Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Gratefully received lots of colored folders and car magazines from Joy at our card making weekend.  The magazines have wonderful photos of vintage cars that I can use to make men's cards.

*  Gratefully received a fuel docket in the mail.  Thankyou Tania.

*  Made lots of cards over the weekend that I will hopefully sell very shortly.

*  Pureed six oranges and portioned them into single serves to freeze.  They will be used throughout the year to make whole orange cake.

*  Cut up some wrapping paper to use in my card making.  The paper had little shoes and handbags on it.

*  Saved the inside of a few envelopes for card making.

*  Saved the shower water for the washing machine.  Saved the washing machine water for each next load

*  Picked two armfuls of lemons from our tree.  This coming week I'm hoping to pick and juice lots.

* Filled up all our cars when petrol was as low as $1.00 a litre.

*  Did my monthly food shopping on Friday and it came to $169.27.  This included three loaves of raisin bread ( one was marked down to $1 ),  two packets of crumpets,  one packet of breakfast muffins and some muesli bars for Megan ( school ).  I don't usually buy all these ready made things but with the kitchen renos starting shortly,  I won't be able to bake for a little while.  The crumpets and muffins will be handy for lunches on the run when we are packing and unpacking the whole house.

I'll still be doing weekly top ups of  milk  fruit and veg as needed.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses with a few items dried in the dryer.

*  Turned the heater off for two days when it was a little warmer.  I also tried to close the curtains around 4.30pm each day when the air outside cooled down

*  Took my car to the mechanic because a couple of warning lights came on.  The mechanic checked everything over and couldn't find a fault.  He didn't charge me anything which was a huge blessing.

*  Made a whole orange cake for afternoon teas.  

A double easel card I learnt to make
A side view
Car magazines given at the weekend away
Some of my monthly grocery shop.
Cut outs - sorry for the bad lighting.
Our broccoli is almost ready to pick.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?      

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