Friday, July 15, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 16th July 2016

My frugal list is a little shorter this week because I'm going away for the weekend.  I'm joining a group of  lovely ladies from The Cheapskates Club for a weekend of card making at Phillip  Island.  Here's what I managed to do before I left on Friday -

*  Mended a coat by sewing back on some buttons and tightening the others.  There was a hole in the pocket lining so I sewed that up too.  I also  replaced the buttons on a pj top.

*  Turned the power points off in the girl's bedrooms when they were out.  I also closed the ducted heating vents.

*  Bought lots of chicken fillets for $4.99kg.  For about $63 Darren and I were able to get forty meals which works out to approx. $1.60 per meal for meat.  Gotta love a bargain.

*  Picked lettuce,  silverbeet and lemons from the garden.

*  Saved the rubber bands wrapped around our mail

*  Used the thermos to store boiled water during the day.

*  Made lots of raspberry and white choc muffins and raspberry jam to sell to a friend.

*  Bought oranges for 49c kg,  golden delicious apples for 99c kg and mandarins for 99c kg.

*  Saved the washing machine and shower water to wash our clothes.

*  Decluttered and donated lots of items to our local op shop and received a couple of discount stamps.

*  Stayed home as much as possible to save on petrol.

*  Gratefully received some card making items in the mail.  Thankyou Barb.

*  Used the carpet sweeper mid week instead of the vacuum cleaner.

*  Lifted up my retractable eyeliner ( Avon ) to use every last bit.

*  Made a big pot of chunky chicken and veggie soup using chicken carcasses I'd frozen.  I also made a batch of peanut butter choc chip biscuits.  Both of these items were for the weekend away

One of our mango plants still growing
Jam to sell
The Sun streaming through the window
Can it get any fuller ?
What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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