Monday, September 15, 2014

Lemon Chicken

Having a lemon tree has been a real blessing to my family.  We make good use of the free lemons by making lots of yummy treats.  Lemon Chicken is a favourite dish in my family.  I didn't have a recipe for this dish.  I haven't even looked it up on the internet or my recipe books.  I just made it up the way I thought it should be.  I use drumsticks as they are budget friendly.  Darren bought ten kilos of drumsticks at $1.99 a kilo at a butchers a couple of months ago.  He portioned them out into meal sizes for the freezer. He was able to get fourteen meals from the ten kilos.  We allowed one drumstick for us girls and two for Darren

The chicken for this dish costs us $1.42.  The lemons are free and the seasonings and vegetables cost next to nothing.  Total cost for the meal would be under $2.00 for four people.

1 - 2 drumsticks per person
Plain flour to coat the drumsticks
2 lemons
Garlic - powdet, granules or fresh
Onion - dried flakes or fresh
Mixed herbs
Olive oil

Heat the oven to 190 degrees celcius.

Coat the drumsticks in plain flour.   In a medium / large fry pan add the oil and cook the drumsticks until they are brown.

Transfer the drumsticks to an oven proof dish.

Cut one lemon and squeeze the juice over the drumsticks.

Season the drumsticks with all the seasonings.

Cut up the other lemon into thin slices and quarter each slice.  Scatter over the drumsticks.

Cook in the oven uncovered for 40 minutes until cooked through.

Once you have served the drumsticks,  add a little boiled water to the casserole dish and scrape up all the brown bits.  This makes a lovely gravy / sauce to spoon over the chicken.

The finished product. 
Lemons, silverbeet and broccoli are from our garden.

The chicken was browned in a fry pan.
Now to add the lemons and seasonings.

The dish is ready to be finished off in the oven.


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