Friday, September 26, 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

I kept myself reasonably busy this week.  Darren and I have started Spring cleaning around the house.  Furniture is being pulled out and dusted behind.  We'll start on the windows soon.  I like to get them done before the Summer heat sets in.  Our vegetable garden  is growing and we'll be adding more seedlings shortly.

Here's my frugal list - 

*  Made chunky beef soup from two pieces of leftover roast beef.  It made enough for ten single serves that I froze.

*  Made bulk crumble topping mix.  This is stored in an airtight container and made up when  I pull some frozen stewed apples from the freezer.  Apple Crumble is Jessica's favourite dessert.

*  Baked six loaves of wholemeal bread.  I was on a roll.

*  Bought Dove soap on sale in Woolworths.  It was selling for $3.40 for a box of four bars.  This is the best price I have ever seen.  They only had four boxes left on the shelf so I went to the service desk and asked for a rain check.  I now have twelve months to buy another ten boxes ( of four bars ).  After that I don't think I'll be buying soap for the next two years.

*  I made pita chips.  Half of them I left plain and the other half I sprayed with olive oil and sprinkled with salt .  Both are very yummy.

*  Made Lemon Butter with lemons from our tree and eggs from our chooks.  It's delightful on toast for breakfast.

*  I saved rinse water in the kitchen and used it to water some plants outside.  Water saved from the showers was poured into the washing machine.  The rinse water from the washing machine was saved and poured back in for the next load.

*  Darren used some of our compost ( for the first time ) on the vegetable garden.

*  I converted a pair of 3/4 pj troussers into pj shorts for Jessica.  I also altered a Summer top I bought from the op shop.  It now has a more fitted look.

*  Made white chocolate and raspberry muffins for morning teas and lunch boxes ( if they last that long ).  I froze most of the muffins.

*  I made chicken curry in the slow cooker.  There was enough leftover for four single serves.  They are now in the freezer.

* Our chickens are almost back into full egg laying production.  They only slowed down a little during Winter.

A couple of our chickens saying hello.

Chunky beef and vegetable soup.

Our little peach tree in full bloom.

Grapefruit given to us last week.

Lemon butter for my toast..

Leftover chicken curry ready for the freezer.

Raspberry and white choc muffins.

Would you like to share your frugal tasks for the week ?

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