Friday, July 25, 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

This week has been a busy one at my house.  I had a few big houses to clean as well as my own.  On Tuesday my husband and I braved the cold to make a trip to the Dandenong Market for a few bits and pieces.  There was lots of computer work to do,  recipes to type up as well meals to cook and treats to bake.

Here's my list of frugal tasks for this week -

*  Continued to save the warm up water from the showers and poured it into the washing machine.

*  Picked lettuce from the garden for two meals.

*  We had homemade take away hamburgers and wedges for tea one night.  The rolls,  hamburger patties and wedges were made from scratch.  The lettuce was from the garden.

*  My husband ran two charity bbqs last weekend.  He bought home all the empty bread bags for me to recycle.  I turned them inside out,  brushed off the crumbs and hung them on clothes horses to dry out.  I use them for many things like storing my homemade bread in,  for rubbish bin liners and to scoop out the kitty litter.

*  Stewed some old apples from the fridge.  There was enough to make apple crumble for dessert that night and another portion for the freezer.

*  Bought 3 boxes of 24 icecreams from NQR for $1.99 a box.  Some will be eaten now and hopefully some will be left for Summer.

* My daughter baked lots of biscuits ( cookies ) and filled up the biscuit jar.

* Sewed some lovely strips of material onto hand towels to give as presents.  Photos to come in the next week or so.

*  Picked a big bowl of lemons from our lemon tree.  I juiced half of them and froze the juice into ice cube trays.  This will be used in future to make lemon butter,  lemon slice,  lemon biscuits and lemon chicken as well as pouring over cooked fish.

*  Baked three loaves of wholemeal bread.for the freezer.

*  Froze left overs from a tuna casserole.

*  Bought pita bread from the Dandenong Market.  They are sold as 4 bags for $3.  Much cheaper than any brand in the supermarket.  They will be made into pita chips.

*  Bought tinned soup for $1 a can.  I now have enough stock until they come on sale again next Winter.

*  Made chocolate choc chip muffins.  Some will be eaten fresh,  the others will be frozen for lunch box treats.

What did you do this week to save time,  money or energy ?

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