Friday, July 18, 2014

This Week's Frugal Tasks

Quite often it's hard to remember all the things I've done during the week to save time,  money and energy. Some days can be crazy busy.  So this week I decided to keep a list on the fridge.  Each time I complete a frugal task I write it down.  Here's this week's list -

*  When the heater was on during the day we had the temperture set at 18.5 degree instead of 20 degrees.  We are getting use to this new setting.  Some days when the sun was shinning we had the heater off.

*  Bought Jap pumpkin for 69 cents kg.  I bought two whole ones.  I cooked,  drained and froze lots of pumpkin.  This will be used to make pumpkin scones - my all time favourite morning tea.  I'm hoping to have enough in the freezer for when the price goes up during Summer.

*  Grated 8 bars of no name laundry soap using the food processor.  I've stored it in a lidded bucket to be used to make laundry powder.  This should be enough for the next eight months.

*  Saved the warm up water from the showers and poured it into the washing machine.   It's rained so much this week that the garden didn't need the shower water.

*  Used the timer for shorter showers.

*  Bought 8 bottles of Pantene shampoo and conditioner on sale at better than half price in Woolworths.  This saved me $32 on the full price.

*  Bought apples and pears at the fruit shop for 99 cents a kilo.

*  Cut up cereal boxes to make page dividers for my new price book.

*  Made pita chips for snacks using pita bread. They are great for dips and making nachos.

*  Baked an orange cake using a whole orange I blitzed in the food processor and froze at the end of last Winter when oranges were cheap.

*  Made 21 pumpkin scones with cheap pumpkin  These are now in the freezer for future morning teas.

*  Made 3 loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Fed the chooks bread crusts and plate scraps.

*  Made a double batch of Miracle Spray ( surface cleaner ).

*  Bought roast beef on sale at Tasman Meats for $6.99 kilo.  I cut each roast in half as they are too big for the four of us.  They are in the freezer fo future meals.

*  Made chunky beef soup with three slices left over from Wednesday's roast beef dinner.  This soup fed the four of us with 7 serves left to freeze.

*  Froze  a single serve of left over tuna pasta bake.  When I get a good stash of frozen meals,  I incorporate them into my menu plan.  Everyone gets to choose what they are having.

*  Mended holes in 3 pairs of socks.  A saving of $10 if I'd thrown them out and bought new ones.

What have you done this week to save time,  money and energy ?  I'd love to see your list.  Please post it in the comments section.

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