Friday, December 2, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 3rd December 2016

Thankyou for all the lovely comments on Facebook and My Abundant Life regarding our church's community day.   The day went really well.  We had more people this year coming in to receive toys and food.  Unfortunately we had less volunteers to help.  The good news is,  we had church families with primary school aged children who helped the adults restock the tables of toys.  They were such a blessing to us and showed great maturity.

Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Baked four loaves of bread with extra goodness.

*  Picked the first raspberries of the season.  So exciting.  We are so glad we spent $15 per plant ( we bought 2 ) back in 2014.  We have recouped the costs a couple of times over with the fruit and extra plants to give as presents.

*  Kept the heating and cooling off for most of the week.

*  Dried the washing on the line.

*  Saved lots of shower water for the washing machine and saved the washing machine rinse water for each next load.

*  Mended holes in tow socks.

*  Made pizza for dinner using this recipe and bits and pieces we had on hand.  This pizza is so much better than anything we have bought.

*  A lovely friend leant me her die cuts ( for card making).  I spent many happy hours using them to make lovely shapes using paint sample cards and gifted paper.

*  Darren and I went to Masters ( again )  to buy a few bits and pieces at 60 - 70% off.  While we were there I picked up lots and lots of paint sample cards to use in card making.  By the time I took a few of each color I could use,  my bag was quite heavy.

* Gratefully received lots of rhubarb from a friend.

*  Jessica cleaned out her wardrobe and I scored a dress.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes twice this week.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher using bi carb and vinegar.  Gave it a wipe out with miracle spray. 

*  Cleaned the kettle using citric acid.  I poured the boiling water onto some weeds in the hope they will die.  If they don't then I'll use vinegar and detergent.

*  I needed two gifts this week and was able to find lots of goodies on my present shelf.  One present was for  a friend of Jessica's.  This friend had arranged for a gathering of  old school friends but they all backed out at the last minute except Jessica.  We were able to give her a bag of goodies including  handmade soap I'd made earlier this year.  The other present was a last minute Kris Kringle.  In a gift bag I put a soap,  fancied face washer and some chocolates.

*  After church last Sunday Darren and I found four brand new timber pallets on the side of the road.  They were in our church's estate which is full of factories.  Some time soon we hope to make some outdoor furniture or a big box.  Stay tuned.

Our peaches are growing.

The egg on the right weighs 89 grams.

Samples from Masters

First raspberries of the season.

I've been busy die cutting for cards.

Free pallets

Daniel Morcombe rose

Christmas in our home.

What did you do this week that saved you money ?

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