Friday, December 9, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 10th December 2016

I've had a productive week this week.  I had an order for two sets of aqua  / silver angel decorations. So I spent a couple of hours relaxing in the family room crafting away. Darren and I spent a few hours making Christmas cards together.  I'm proud to say that Darren made the star for the card, stamped the front and cut out the ribbons.  I did the assembling, gluing and stamping on the inside.

I've made a few trips to the shops for presents and a few trips to the post office to send off a couple of Etsy orders.  Here's what else I've been up to this week -

*  Bought six legs of lamb at $6.99 kg.  Each leg feeds the four of us for two meals.  This means we get roast lamb once a month for the next year.   Now I'm waiting for lamb chops to come on sale.

*  Picked up lots and lots of paint sample cards from Masters Hardware store.  As most of you know they will be closing down in the next week or two.  I asked at the service counter and the lady said I could take 5 - 6 cards of each color.  I only picked colors I could use in card making.

*  Netted our feijoa tree with some netting I found in my shed.  Suddenly the birds have taken a liking to the tree this year.  I don't know what they are doing in the tree but I don't want the flowers disturbed ( I want the fruit to grow ).

*  Sold two school text books.

*  Sold four Christmas angel decoration sets to friends.

*  Dried all the washing on the line and clotheshorses.

*  Sold a couple of items in my Etsy shop.

*  Saved the washing machine and shower water as per usual

*  Sold four dozen eggs to the neighbours.

*  Picked a small handful of raspberries each day.

*  Darren picked two bowls of strawberries from our patch in one day.  About four days later I picked another bowlful..

*  Kept the heater off for most of the week.

*  Jessica used a few recycled gift bags to put her friend's presents in.

*  Refilled the shampoo and conditioner bottles and added some water.  I also found a few almost empty shampoo bottles in the girl's shower.  I added the contents to the nearly full bottle.  My girls won't notice a difference.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch.

*  Took water bottles and muesli bars with me when I went Christmas shopping.

*  Made up a bottle of diluted Dynamo laundry liquid.  I also bought a big bottle at half price and diluted it straight away.

Darren loves his reindeers

Christmas angels I made for an order

Our Christmas card for 2016

From the garden.
What was on your frugal list this week ?

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