Friday, June 19, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 20th June 2015

It's been quite a busy week.  We celebrated Darren's 50th birthday on Wednesday.  We've been busy cleaning the house ready for his party on Sunday and Darren has finished painting the windows in our bathrooms.  Here's the frugal tasks we completed -

*  Made lots of pita chips to serve with dip at Darren's party.

*  Mended a couple of tops.

*  Turned the heater down to 18 degrees when possible.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes a couple of times this week instead of using the dishwasher.

*  Baked two loaves of white bread and two of wholemeal bread.

*  Made  double batches of choc truffles and lemon slice for Darren's party.

* Made sweetened condensed milk to use in the above recipes.

*  Bought about 18 months supply of Vegeta stock powder on sale in Coles this week.

*  Dried some washing on clothes horses.  With Darren's party on Sunday I didn't want wet washing around the house so a few loads went into the dryer.

*  Cooked a leg of lamb and roast veggies for Darren's birthday on Wednesday.  There was enough lamb left over for another meal this week.

*  Cooked beef stew in the slow cooker.  There was enough left over for another meal.  It was wonderful to have two nights off from cooking.

*  Made sure the curtains were open when the Sun was streaming through the glass.

*  Megan and I made Darren's birthday cards using supplies we had on hand.  I printed some birthday greeting off the internet to put on the cards.  Darren said they were amazing and the best cards he's received.  That made us smile.  I'd looked in the $2 shops for cards and wasn't happy with what was available for $1,  $2 and $3.  The cards we made worked out to be 25 cents each.

*  Donated a bag of clothes to Savers and received a discount stamp.

Chocolate truffles
My card for Darren
Megan and Jessica's card for Darren
Our daisy bush in full bloom
Out to dinner at The Titanic Restaurant.

What frugal things did you get up to this week ?

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