Friday, June 12, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 13th June 2015

This week seemed to be the week to make things.  I found I was running out of  items most people would buy at the supermarket.  With supplies I had on hand I was able to make my own.  Ohhhh,  such a good feeling.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Made wholemeal bread rolls using this recipe  Wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Made the french onion soup mix stretch by adding lots of ingredients to two packets of the no name variety.  By doing this we are limiting the " unknown " ingredients we consume.

*  Topped up the mint sauce bottle with malt vinegar and a little sugar dissolved in water.

*  Made gravy mix by using this recipe.  Gravy powder

*  Made lavender room spray by using this recipe  Making your own air freshener

*  Made peanut butter choc chip biscuits,  chocolate choc chip muffins and muesli bar slice for lunch boxes

*  Bought a bag of ribbons and lace for $2.80 from Savers at their 30% off sale.  These will be used to decorate cards.

*  Topped up the seasoned bread crumbs with some wheat bix crumbs from the bottom of the packet.

*  Made a big pot of chunky chicken and veg soup with homemade stock and about 150 grams of chicken.  The soup gave us eight serves.  A very cheap meal.

*  Cut up the wheat bix cereal bag to use as go between for freezing chops and hamburger patties etc etc,

*  Dried as much washing as possible on the clothes horses.  Darren was able to dry a load on the line.  Only a few things went in the dryer this week.

*  Gratefully received some chocolate cake,  parsley and glass jars from a few friends.

*  Picked up a a top at the Savers 30% off sale.

*  Jessica decided to go through her clothes and do a big clean out.  She filled up 4 bags to go to the op shop.  Before the clothes were donated I had a look to see if there was anything I could wear.  I was able to find three tops.

*  Used some bread bags to line the bathroom bins.

*  Diluted the girl's shampoo and conditioner.

Wholemeal bread rolls.
Lavender room spray
Chunky chicken and veg soup.
Peanut butter choc chip biscuits - one of my favourite

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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